The service is a unique opportunity to benefit from the most advanced treatments and drugs in the oncology discipline years before they become available to the general population.

As part of the service, a highly qualified, multidisciplinary team of oncologists analyzes the patient's medical records, examines the latest updates in the field and locates medical centers around the world that can provide the most innovative treatment best matched to the patient's condition.

The treatments & drugs that are prescribed as part of clinical trials are mostly provided free of charge.

Advanced Cancer Medicine - What are the benefits?

Advanced oncological treatment via clinical trials provide the patient with an opportunity to be treated with the most advanced and innovative treatments. These treatments are on the cutting edge of medical research, from the forefront of the war against cancer. There are currently about 20,000 cancer clinical trials which are available to cancer patients and hundreds of drugs available as compassionate drugs, also called “expanded access programs”.

These treatments include new drugs, new administration methods of a known drug or new methods in surgery or radiation therapy. New treatments may include new treatment techniques (such as gene therapy) or treatments which employ novel medical devices.

By participating in clinical trials, a cancer patient can receive the most advanced treatments and drugs and can benefit from them years before they become available to all other patients who suffer from the same condition. It is important to note that the drugs that are prescribed as part of the study are provided free of charge to the patients.

Clinical trials and compassionate drugs offer the world's most advanced cancer treatments.

Compassionate drugs - what are the benefits?

In a compassionate treatment, the pharmaceutical company agrees to grant it to the patient outside of a research framework and before receiving a final approval from the healthcare authorities. As long as the treatment or drug has not received the approval of worldwide healthcare authorities, it is given free of charge. However, there is no law under which pharmaceutical companies are obliged to accept any requests for compassionate drugs.

As in clinical trials, it is important to note that the treatments & drugs that are prescribed as part of compassionate use are provided free of charge.

When treating metastatic cancer patients and\or patients with exceptionally aggressive tumors, time is a critical factor. Therefore, it is important that they do not miss out on new treatments that can improve their condition, far beyond the standard treatments available in the field.

Expanded Access cancer drugs - what are the benefits?

Based on accumulated data regarding their efficacy and safety, some of these treatments and drugs receive the status of a "breakthrough therapy" by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), even before the clinical trials are completed and all their results are analyzed.

Expanded Access is a pathway for a patient with an immediately life-threatening or serious disease or condition to gain access to an investigational medical product (drug, biologic or medical device) for treatment outside of clinical trials when there are no comparable or satisfactory alternative therapy options available.

Because investigational medical products have not yet been approved by the FDA and have therefore not been found safe and effective for their specific use, part of the treating oncologist’s role in requesting Expanded Access drug is weigh whether the potential benefit of the investigational treatment justifies the potential risks.

The first option for patients who have exhausted available treatments is to enroll in a clinical trial, but when that is not an option, the FDA supports Expanded Access

When treating metastatic cancer patients and\or patients with exceptionally aggressive tumors, time is a critical factor. Therefore, it is important that they do not miss out on new treatments that can improve their condition, far beyond the standard treatments available in the field.

Who are the cancer patients who qualify for this program?

This treatment is suitable for adults and children.

The patients who can derive maximum benefit from the program include:

  • Cancer patients who suffer from stage 4 metastatic cancer, of any type: metastatic breast cancer, metastatic lung cancer, metastatic colorectal cancer, metastatic ovarian cancer or any other type of metastatic cancer.
  • Patients who suffer from brain tumors, such as Glioblastoma, GBM.
  • Patients who suffer from non-metastatic but violent cancer type such as pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, triple negative breast cancer and others.

Note! The program is NOT for hematologic patients who suffer from various types of blood cancer.


What is included in this program?

When a new case arrives, we make a first free of charge evaluation whether the case suits our program and assess if we are able to present the patient with valuable information.

Once approved, our team of senior oncologists uses a unique model to map out the various ongoing cancer medical data around the world. This is done in order to identify the appropriate clinical trials and compassionate drugs for the individual cancer patient, according to his current medical background and medical history. A true personalized medicine.

We provide patients with a detailed report that they can use when consulting with their physician and planning their next step in their treatment.

We connect the patients with their treatment providers and continue to support them throughout the treatment process.

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What kinds of treatments are included in the report?

  • Studies and compassionate drugs on innovative drugs from all around the world: these treatments are provided if the patient's condition is found to be suitable for their medical condition and if it meets their threshold criteria (The criteria of qualification for innovative treatments are very specific).
  • Case reports in which a certain treatment was given to a patient with a similar background and resulted in impressive therapeutic success.
  • Professional literature and publications that support part or all of the specified options listed in the report.
  • Information regarding additional innovative treatments such as advanced methods in radiation therapy, which can increase the success rate of the recommended treatment.
  • Leading cancer treatment centers from around the world and renowned experts in the field who will receive the patient for treatment.

After receiving the report, our team talks with each patient and his family and explains the findings in order to clarify the complex professional information. It is important to us that the patient and his family understand the findings as much as possible and remain involved and active when choosing the treatment

Following a recommendation from the patient's oncologist and after the most appropriate treatment is selected from the list, we offer intensive counseling and guidance. In order to help the patient access the selected treatment, we maintain regular contact with:

  • Leading researchers and research teams at leading cancer centers worldwide
  • Pharmaceutical companies from all over the world
  • Each new case begins with a compatibility test - free of charge to the patient.

    The patient is accepted to the program only if he meets the criteria and only if there is an actual possibility to find an innovative treatment that can be more effective than that which is offered by standard medicine.

Where will I receive my treatment?

There are currently about 20,000 cancer studies which are available to cancer patients. Our worldwide search begins as close to where the patient resides, and we increase the radius as we move forward screening the options.

Renown hospitals where innovative cancer research is conducted:

  • Sheba Medical Center, Israel
  • Rambam Healthcare Campus, Israel
  • The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
  • Mayo Clinic, USA
  • Massachusetts General Hospital, USA
  • Texas Medical Center, USA
  • Charite, Germany
  • University Paris Decarte, France
  • Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
  • University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • UCLA Brain Research Institute
  • Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
  • Duke Cancer Institute
  • Institut Gustave Roussy, France
  • City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center

Patients' Testimonials

  1. "I found out about the service when searching a treatment for my mother, a metastatic lung cancer patient. I was looking for a treatment that could help Mom because her doctors had no idea how to help her. When I suggested them to renew her prescription to a drug she had received in the past, they said it was a good idea and she actually responded well to this treatment. It was then that I also realized that I was the one who had to search for treatment options for my mother, because her doctors seem to adhere to methods that has been around for decades, which are usually chemo.

    I inquired about the service to see if they can help us because I am not a healthcare professional, I don't work in this field and I'm certainly not an oncologist. After thinking about it for a while, we decided to make a move and well, what do you know? It was surprising to see how responsible and professional they were. They checked and did an in-depth investigation to decide whether my mother was suitable for their service before agreeing to accept us.

    What can I say? There aren’t enough words to describe how much they help us and how much they care. They offered us treatments from all over the world that could help our mother, and their report contained many medications that could be obtained without having to travel abroad. The case manager took his time to sit with me and to explain all that is written in the report, in a manner which was clear to me. It was important for him to see that I could understand as much as possible. He gave me a sense of confidence that no one has given me yet and has dedicated so much of his time to take care of my case. They included medical publications on most of the treatments and the drugs that they offered. They fight with us for our Mom's life."

  2. "Our family decided to inquire about the service because of my wife's illness. She was suffering from advanced metastatic bile duct cancer.

    We were greeted with a compassionate and professional attitude. They were genuinely willing to help us in the tough process of dealing with the disease.

    I strongly recommend you to contact them and hear what they have to offer. Based on our experience, I can guarantee that you'll receive real information and assistance: no empty promises, only actual results".

  3. "I would like to recommend the service. It offers a unique and highly professional solution for cancer patients by analyzing the existing information about their disease, the various possible treatments and the clinical studies in which the patient can participate. Using highly accurate and professional data, this company offers help for cancer patients and their families in their most difficult moments and gives them hope by confirming a treatment or offering an experimental treatment that may eradicate the disease and perhaps even cure it.

    Based on the experience we had with a family member who required this service, I can testify that the information that we were given, the dedicated care and guidance are all worth their price in gold".

What does the initial compatibility check for the program include?

In order to find out if a patient can benefit from this program, we request the following documents in English:

  • A summary of the patient's last appointment with his oncologist, which outlines the drug and radiation therapy that has been prescribed to him, as well as surgical operations if he has undergone any.
  • Pathology reports (highly important).
  • Recent blood test results.
  • A list of medications that the patient takes on a routine basis, if any.
  • Performance status questionnaire - a short questionnaire filled out by the patient.

More on clinical studies

Clinical research or clinical trials are conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatments or medications on human patients. The studies are first and foremost conducted to serve the patient's best interest and to promote the medicine offered to him. The goal of the study is to improve the patient's wellbeing by presenting him with new and highly advanced treatments, and thus improve the ability to treat cancer.

Prior to clinical research, laboratory studies are conducted. These are insufficient to determine the treatment's efficacy and safety in humans. These studies are called "preclinical studies".

The first clinical trial in humans is called “Phase I”, followed by phase II, III, and IV.

Only after the predefined hypothesis is proven by research, the trial proceeds to the next phase, which is conducted on a larger group of participants. Therefore, most of the studies are based on information that has been accumulated from previous studies of the treatment.

Clinical studies represent the true progress in cancer treatment. They may contribute to prolonged life expectancy, improve the patient's quality of life and in some cases, even save lives. The patient is free to decide whether he should participate in the study. If he meets the criteria of research, the choice and consent to participate is exclusively his.

Before joining the study, the attending physician is obliged to give the patient a complete overview of the treatment, while presenting the advantages and disadvantages of the study, including its side effects. The patient will then sign an "Inform of consent form" to participate in the study. Participation in the study is mostly free of charge, and the drugs are provided to the patient for free. In certain cases, the patient can even receive the treatment for a time period of up to three additional years, even after the study has been concluded.

With innovative, breakthrough treatments, cancer patients can extend their life expectancy and improve their quality of life.

We help you achieving these goals!